Design House, proudly a ‘PAPERLESS’ Office since 2009, ‘Go paperless to benefit your cash flow and the environment!’
In 2009 at Design House, my graphic and website design business, I decided to reduce paper usage and associated project costs and make environmentally sustainable changes to the business. It was decided that the quickest, easiest and most cost effective way to do this was to link all work and management practices plus convert documents to computer-based business systems, a process known as digitisation.
The current clutter free, minimalist office is advantageous to greater productivity, creativity and clarity.
Process / Benefits:
• Reduce business costs associated with paper, printers, copiers, fax machines, ink and toner cartridges.
• Reduce / down-size office space and eliminate filing cabinets and excess furniture. This reduced lighting requirements and lowered the energy costs associated with lighting, cooling / heating and annual expenditure on leasing premises.
• Design House is now able to conduct business in a mobile environment resulting in faster responses to customers. With the use of a laptop and smart phone, Design House can operate online effectively, efficiently and promptly from almost anywhere in the world!
• With online paperless business systems, I have 24/7 access to banking, accounting, ATO tax and business portals, tech support, printers, email campaigns, etc.
• Documents and data can be automatically saved daily and filed in cloud-based technology (offsite backups – backing data up online to a virtual location) ready to be accessed remotely anytime via the internet. I also keep a external hard drive stored offsite at a different location. Your data is safe on the external hard drive should your computer crash.
• Documents and data on the desktop are also backed up daily to a laptop and external hard drives (onsite backups), keeping all content current and in sync. It’s important to have more than one type of backup in case your storage media fails at some point.
• Client and business emails, faxes, invoices, proofs, quotes and other correspondence are not printed out and filed as a paper copy but are received and filed electronically in the appropriate client and project files. This strategy reduces the paper required and also enables efficient management of project files and reduces the need for searching and tracking procedures.
• All invoicing is generated online and emailed direct to clients who, in turn, pay electronically with notification emailed to Design House. This strategy alone has reduced paper, time, postage and stationery costs, trips to the Post Office and bank.
• These relatively small and inexpensive changes to work procedures have the added advantage of speeding up the entire design, development and production process. Jobs can be completed and approved faster, allowing time for more projects to be undertaken. This effectively provides the opportunity for business growth and more revenue with no increase in staff or capital expenditure.
• Design House was recognized as the first commercial graphic and website design studio to be an ecoBiz accredited Partner with the Queensland Government in 2009 and the first ecoBiz Partner from the Hervey Bay region.
• Design House advertises its energy efficient and sustainable practices to its clients, suppliers and on its website. I choose to work with printers and production houses that are also committed to energy efficient and sustainable practices.
• All work is completed virtually and contactless with correspondence by email and phone only, face to face appointments are extremely rare. Our in house systems, procedures, quotes and client documentation are thorough, yet easy and simple to comprehend; resulting in a prompt, stress free, streamlined and pleasant client experience.
• On our website we advise visitors and potential clients the following: We use EMAIL as our preferred method of communication. For FAST RESPONSE to enquiries, quotes, proofs or artwork alterations please email:
Design House utilizes Printing Companies that believe in being environmentally responsible by:
- Planting a tree for every business card order of 1,000 QTY or more! Together we’re #RebuildingOurIslandHome
- Offering a range of options printed on 100% RECYCLED STOCK
- Producing plates through the Agfa Azura chemical free plate processor
- Using printing inks that are soy based and their state of the art equipment results in more energy efficient printing and reduces the demand on natural resources.
- Only using environmentally friendly and accredited raw materials within their standard product range, and ensure all paper and board products are elemental or process chlorine free and produced by Mills accredited with meeting International Standards of emission, pollution levels and a commitment to continual improvement.
- Gaining Sustainable Green Print (SGP) Level 2 Accreditation, a multi-level Environmental Management System from the Printing Industries Association of Australia.
- Our printers are committed to ensuring all their processes and practices and are environmentally friendly and have the Sustainable Print Certification.
- Our stubby coolers are made from 50% renewable or recyclable resources.
Extensive work has been invested in sustainable business solutions resulting in Design House being recognized as the first commercial graphic and website design studio to be an ecoBiz accredited Partner with the Queensland Government in 2009 and the first ecoBiz Partner from the Hervey Bay region.
“ecoBiz has allowed us to record and register our improved environmental practise in the office. Design House can now continue to grow in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner”. – Jeanette Maynes [OWNER / GRAPHIC & WEBSITE DESIGNER]
ecoBiz assists businesses to identify efficiencies in waste, water and energy for financial and environmental benefits.
Design House have committed to continual improvement as part of their commitment to the ecoBiz program. Current initiatives include:
Improved thermostat settings 250C
- The use of protective film and blinds on windows
- Windows are opened during cooler weather to take advantage of natural ventilation.
- The airconditioning is turned off after hours
- Outsourced server function to a host server in another location, no longer require a second airconditioner dedicated to cooling the server 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Energy efficient lighting
- Setting computer defaults to black and white printing
- Providing paper recycling bins at all printers and desks
- Utilizing old sheets of paper for writing notes instead of purchasing writing pads
- Reduction in printing of emails, by saving straight to the clients file
- Proofs, proposals and invoices are delivered electronically saving on paper, ink cartridges, postage and envelopes
- New campaigns and important news are communicated via email (eg. monthly enewsletter) over printed material wherever feasible
- Mbox fax system, faxes are received via email and saved straight to the clients file
- Clients are encouraged to pay online via credit card or direct deposit, once again to save on paper
- Request all incoming invoices (Telstra, printers etc) are electronically emailed or uploaded rather than printed and posted via Australia Post
- Environmentally aware behaviour in the office has led to reduced energy usage and a reduction in paper use
- Carbon offsets are purchased on all airline flights & travel tickets
The Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) approached Design House to produce a range of material, including information guidelines and information sheets, for publication on the DERM website.
These publications will focus on the energy efficiency and sustainable practices used by Design House as an example of what can be easily and quickly realised by industry to save energy through the adoption of effective practices.
Design House Sustainable Business Info Sheets:
Heating and Cooling & The ‘paperless’ office